

The acupuntura.com web page provides access to information on different aspects of the topic. The acquisition of knowledge about this technique is necessary for understanding, based on what we already know, about what Acupuncture is, what its theoretical bases are, how it works, and what it is for, as well as the evidence of its effectiveness.

There is an emphasis on the application of the Evidence-Based Medicine model in relation to research in Acupuncture, which is documented in a selection of clinical studies published in the scientific literature, classified under clinical topics, in order to facilitate its search. A considerable amount of data has been gathered, with the objective of clarifying the questions on clinical applications of Acupuncture. In addition, it helps to ensure its importance, which is increasingly being recognized as an invaluable medical resource.

The web page was designed by Prof. Dr. Hong Jin Pai, and Dr. Marcus Yu Bin Pai, medical specialists in Acupuncture.

Dr. Hong

Regional Medical Council's register (CRM-SP): 36399 / Specialist Qualification Register (RQE): 29862

Acupuncture Specialist

Collaborating Professor at the Institute of Orthopedics, Hospital das Clínicas, USP Medical School.

Dr. Hong works in outpatient, assistance, and didactic care at Hospital das Clínicas, Medical School, University of São Paulo (HC-FMUSP). Dr. Hong participates and coordinates scientific studies at HC-FMUSP, and has also worked as an Acupuncture specialist in his private clinic for over 35 years.

Dr. Marcus

Regional Medical Council's register (CRM-SP): 158074 / Specialist Qualification Register (RQE): 65523, 65524

Acupuncture and Pain Specialist

Professor and Collaborator of the Pain Group at Hospital das Clínicas, USP Medical School.

Doctor graduated from Santa Casa de São Paulo, with a Medical Residency in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Physiatrics) from the University of São Paulo. Ph.D. student in Sciences at the Medical School of the University of São Paulo, in the Neurology Department. Has a specialization in Medical Acupuncture at the Center for Integrated Study of Chinese Medicine (CEIMEC), and Pain Practice at the University of São Paulo. Director of the Medical College of Acupuncture of the State of São Paulo (CMAeSP). Dr. Marcus is also a member of CREMESP’s Technical Acupuncture Council and a secretary of the Acupuncture Committee of the Brazilian Society for the Study of Pain (SBED).

Ricardo Morad Bassetto

Dr. Ricardo Morad Bassetto

Médico Especialista em Acupuntura. Diretor do Colégio Médico de Acupuntura do Estado de São Paulo (CMAeSP).

celia portiolli

Dra. Célia Yunes Portiolli

Médica Pediatra e Especialista em Acupuntura. Área de Atuação em Dor pela AMB. Coordenadora do Curso de Especialização em Acupuntura do CEIMEC – Centro de Estudo Integrado em Medicina Chinesa

Lin Chen Hau

Dr. Lin Chen Hau

Médico formado pela FMUSP. Pós-graduação em Acupuntura em Taipei e Xangai-China. Professor do Curso de Acupuntura do CEIMEC Diretor Regional de Taubaté do CMAeSP.

eliane aboud

Dra. Eliane Aboud

Médica Cardiologista e Especialista em Acupuntura. Conselheira do CREMESP.

carlos roberto baba

Dr. Carlos Roberto Babá

Médico especialista em Ortopedia, Traumatologia e Acupuntura. Monitor do curso do CEIMEC – Centro de Estudo Integrado de Medicina Chinesa.

Motomu Aracava

Dr. Motomu Aracava

Médico Especialista em Acupuntura. Monitor do Curso de Especialização em Acupuntura do CEIMEC.