Medical Acupuncture latest news and research



Acupuncture is a technique that causes specific points on the body to be stimulated – most of the time, by inserting thin needles into the skin. It is a traditional practice used in Chinese medicine.

The results of a series of studies suggest that acupuncture may be useful in relieving generally chronic pain, such as low back pain, neck pain, and osteoarthritis/knee pain. It can also help in reducing the frequency of tension headaches and preventing migraines.s. Therefore, acupuncture is a reasonable option to be considered by people with chronic pain. However, clinical practice guidelines are inconsistent with recommendations on acupuncture.

The effects of acupuncture on the brain and the body, as well as the best way to measure them, are just beginning to be understood. Current evidence suggests that many factors such as expectation and belief, which are unrelated to acupuncture needles can play important roles in the beneficial effects of acupuncture for pain relief.

About the
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The web page provides access to information on different aspects of the topic. The acquisition of knowledge about this technique is necessary for understanding, based on what we already know, about what Acupuncture is, what its theoretical bases are, how it works, and what it is for, as well as the evidence of its effectiveness.

There is an emphasis on the application of the Evidence-Based Medicine model in relation to research in Acupuncture, which is documented in a selection of clinical studies published in the scientific literature, classified under clinical topics, in order to facilitate its search. A considerable amount of data has been gathered, with the objective of clarifying the questions on clinical applications of Acupuncture. In addition, it helps to ensure its importance, which is increasingly being recognized as an invaluable medical resource.

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